Student Solution


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1 Course

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W2DQ Environmental sociology

W2DQ Environmental sociology

Q In this week discussion, you are required to share your personal life story on how you are trapped on the treadmill of consumption and consuming more and more. To get started, read the following Social Action Case Study (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. One you have completed the reading, provide a summary and action plan based on evidence from the case study and the assigned reading for this week. You must include specific examples and a clear recommendation as part of your response.

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It is a true fact that our society is involving in over consumptions. We are buying things which we do not need and those are getting wasted on a daily basis. The case study shows the percentage of the people in US waste things especially food a lot and there are movements around the world protesting against this wastage. The consumers are getting more and more product which they do not even need and thus they are becoming more and more materialistic. It is becoming a trend now a days that people are getting more things than what they actually need.